Hiring temporary full and part-time seasonal work
Pumpkin City’s Pumpkin Farm (September-October)
Christmas Trees (November-December)
(must be 18+ years old to work Christmas tree lot)
Strawberries (February-June)

Please download the Application below.
Once you have completed the Application, email the application to:
pumpkinpayroll@gmail.com, Subject: “Attn: Payroll Manager”
For any questions or concerns contact the Pumpkin City Payroll Manager,
at 949-449-4290 or pumpkinpayroll@gmail.com.
It is our goal to build a staff that functions at the highest level of excellence and integrity. Pumpkin City is
committed to providing a safe and supportive workplace.
No faxes, email, staffing agencies, regular mail or phone calls please. Employment opportunities will be posted per
season on our website
Subscribe to get the latest updates on our events, promotions, and other announcements.
Pumpkin City’s Pumpkin Farm Laguna Hills
24203 Avenida De La Carlota,
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
(949) 449-4189
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM